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Increasing resilience of adolescents in Ghana and Tanzania to teenage pregnancy: factors to consider (Publications)
Gender in Public Health und Epidemiologie: führt kein Weg an Differenzen vorbei? (Publications)
Does a clinician's sex influence treatment decisions? (Publications)
Psychiatric stigma across cultures: local validation in Bangalore and London (Publications)
Gene-environment interaction in extrinsic skin aging: the effect of traffic related pollution is modified by CYP1B1 gene polymorphism (Publications)
Evaluation of robotics-assisted gait rehabilitation using integrated biofeedback in neurologic disorders (Publications)
Showcasing research products (Publications)
The impact of research on policy: the case of stakeholder dialogues in development-oriented research (Publications)
Die Politik tut nicht, was wissenschaftlich geboten wäre. Gespräch mit Nino Künzli über Luftverschmutzung und Gesundheit. (Publications)
Bewegung und Adipositas (Publications)