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Revising co-payments for hospital care in Tajikistan (Publications)
Exploring the potential financial and economic implications of a fully liquid DTP-HepB-Hib vaccine: an assessment for South Africa (Publications)
Health financing reforms in Tajikistan: structures and systems at rayon level required for implementing capitated payments (Publications)
Rabies: relevance, prevention, and management in travel medicine (Publications)
Environmental measurement and modeling: source dispersion and micro-environmental models (Publications)
Manhiça DSS, Mozambique (Publications)
Determinants of ART failure in HIV-1-infected adults in a semi-rural setting in a Mozambique (Publications)
Gesund reisen : Medizinischer Reiseratgeber (Publications)
Le secteur de santé privé à Lomé, Togo dans un contexte de crise économique. (Publications)
Human resource for health: a crucial element for achieving international development targets (Publications)