Effect of artemether against <em>Schistosoma haematobium</em> in experimentally infected hamsters (Publications)
The drug, artemether, has been shown to be active against the juvenile stages of Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma mansoni in experimentally infected animals, while it is less effective on adult w
Gastrointestinal parasite egg excretion in young calves in periurban livestock production in Mali (Publications)
To acquire the information needed to improve parasite control in periurban cattle production in Mali, repeated sampling of faeces of 694 calves kept around Bamako was done in 2003/2004. The effects of
Artemether, an effective new agent for chemoprophylaxis against shistosomiasis in China: its in vivo effect on the biochemical metabolism of the Asian... (Publications)
Conventional drug chemotherapy against human schistosomiasis currently relies on treatment with praziquantel to eliminate adult schistosome worm pairs. The use of praziquantel for control purposes is
Cancer risk assessment of selected hazardous air pollutants in Seattle (Publications)
The risk estimates calculated from the conventional risk assessment method usually are compound specific and provide limited information for source-specific air quality control. We used a risk apporti