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Die Arzt-Patienten Interaktion in der hausärztlichen Betreuung von Asylsuchenden und Flüchtlingen : Schlussbericht (Publications)
Beschaffung von Schlangengift-Antiveninen (Publications)
Comparative studies on venoms of the Fer-de-lance (<em>Bothrops atrox</em>), carpet viper (<em>Echis carinatus</em>) and spitting cobra (<em>Naja... (Publications)
Gefährliche Krankheitsüberträger (Publications)
Subcellular distribution of 3H-labelled transmitters in rat cerebral cortex (Publications)
Effectif, répartition et biotope du Vanneau huppé <em>Vanellus vannellus</em> en Suisse (Publications)
Ultrastruktur der Symbionten in Ovocyten von <em>Ornithodorus moubata</em>, Murray (Ixodoidea, Argasidae) nach simultaner... (Publications)
Ultrastruktur der Ovocyten von <em>Ornithodorus moubata</em>, Murray (Ixodoidea, Argasidae) nach Triple-Fixation (Publications)
Morphometric differences in midgut epithelial cells between strains of female <em>Aedes aegypti </em>(L.) (Publications)
Lipase activity and stimulation mechniasm of esterases in the midgut of female <em>Aedes aegypti</em> (Publications)