PATH - MVI Malaria Vaccine Modeling: Service Agreement (Projects)
Swiss TPH is carrying out simulations of the public health impact of the RTS,S malaria vaccine, with the support of PATH-MVI. The work involves simulation of the impact of adding vaccines in the context [...] countries in sub-Saharan Africa, taking into account contextual factors such as the distributions of malaria transmission intensities. Vaccine profiles are based on field data from Phase III trials of RTS,S
Global Malaria Technical & Training Support Package, Phase 4 (Projects)
control, case management (malaria treatment) and cross-sectoral action against malaria, and through the training of malaria affected countries’ scientists and national malaria control managers. GlobMal [...] strategic direction towards the ambitious 2030 malaria goals to reduce malaria mortality by 40% by 2020 (compared with 2015) and to increase the number of malaria-free countries by additional 10 and 35 countries [...] contribute to global malaria control and elimination by shaping global and...
Clinical Performance Evaluation and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of miLab platform for Supporting Malaria Control in Target Countries (Projects)
samples. The platform is of potential high interested for malaria control, namely malaria diagnostics in low- and middle-income countries, as malaria remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in large [...] compared to the current routine malaria diagnostic in the field. The impact evaluation will also assess whether and how the use of miLab contributes to an improved malaria case detection workflow in two
Characterization of field malaria isolates and assessment of the impact of resistance profile on the transmission of resistant strains (Projects)
field malaria parasites, in order to provide a more realistic representation of malaria transmission occurring in natural settings. We will establish a continuous culture protocol for field malaria parasite [...] Health Institute (IHI, Tanzania). Malaria elimination is threatened by resistance to current insecticides and antimalarials. Developing novel technologies that target malaria transmission, such as transmission [...] transmission blocking drugs, vaccines or insecticides to control malari...
Provision of a Scoping Study for a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on behalf of Target Malaria (Projects)
Genetically modified mosquitoes represent great potential for malaria control. Any future application of gene drive mosquitoes for malaria control will require many elements, including policy action, [...] to suppress populations of malaria vector mosquitoes. The assessments main objectives are to: (i) raise awareness amongst policy makers of genetic control tools for malaria using gene drives (ii) develop [...] gene drive (the action) and subsequent reduction of malaria (the desired effect)...
Spatio-temporal modelling to assess the impact of climate change on the burden of malaria and to support early warning systems (Projects)
climate variability, land use, malaria vector control coverage and socio-economic factors to changes in malaria incidence and mortality; (ii) develop stochastic metapopulation malaria transmission models which [...] statistical models to forecast malaria; (iv) evaluate the effects of environmental vector-control with microbial larvicides on the burden of malaria; and (v) project future malaria burden based on scenarios [...] changes, malaria interventions and socioeconomic effects, which are...
Mathematical models to define new malaria immunotherapies and interventions to meet public health needs (Projects)
progress in fighting malaria, there remains a need for new antimalarial interventions to protect children and other vulnerable populations who experience the highest burden of malaria. Developing new in [...] from academia, product development partners, and representatives from malaria-endemic countries. Our focus is on next-generation malaria vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, and new chemoprevention antimalarials
Modelling support to decision-making for malaria control in Benin (Projects)
interact with the NMCP to gather a deeper understanding of the past malaria burden and control efforts. We then calibrate OpenMalaria , the malaria transmission simulation platform developed in-house, to quantify [...] National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) since 2018. The NMCP is currently updating its National Strategic Plan (NSP) for the period 2024-2026. This plan will guide the strategy and tools for malaria control [...] more impactful between administering seasonal malaria...
Deciphering Environmental Sensing in Malaria Parasites (Projects)
The Malaria Host Interactions Unit (MHIU) is studying the molecular interface between malaria parasites and their human host. Recent findings revealed the existence of intimate links between parasite [...] inducing specific transcriptional responses. This capability is surprising in light of the fact that malaria parasites have lost canonical nutrient sensing pathways present in other eukaryotic organisms. With