Genetic diversity of expressed <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> var genes from Tanzanian children with severe malaria (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Severe malaria has been attributed to the expression of a restricted subset of the var multigene family, which encodes for Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1). PfEMP1 [...] in Tanzanian children was analysed. METHODS: Children with defined severe (SM) and asymptomatic malaria (AM) were recruited. Fulllength var mRNA was isolated and reversed transcribed into var cDNA. Su
Malaria transmission after five years of vector control on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea (Publications)
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Malaria is endemic with year-round transmission on Bioko Island. The Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) started in 2004 with the aim to reduce malaria transmission and to [...] to ultimately eliminate malaria. While the project has been successful in reducing overall malaria morbidity and mortality, foci of high malaria transmission still persist on the island. Results from the
Cost implications of improving malaria diagnosis: findings from north-eastern Tanzania (Publications)
diagnosis of malaria was estimated by comparing the proportion of outpatient attendees of all ages clinically diagnosed as malaria to the proportion of attendees having a positive malaria rapid diagnostic [...] diagnosis of malaria contributes to improper treatment, wastage of drugs and resistance to the few available drugs. This paper attempts to estimate the rates of over diagnosis of malaria among children
Efficacy of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in Tanzania after two years as first-line drug for uncomplicated malaria: assessment protocol and implication... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Systematic surveillance for resistant malaria shows high level of resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) across eastern and southern parts of Africa. This study
Behavioural determinants of gene flow in malaria vector population: <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> males select large females as mates (Publications)
transgenic vectors. Fundamental studies of behavioural ecology in malaria vectors such as An. gambiae can have important implications for malaria control and should be prioritised for more extensive investigation [...] BACKGROUND: Plasmodium-refractory mosquitoes are being rapidly developed for malaria control but will only succeed if they can successfully compete for mates when released into the wild. Pre-copulatory [...] structure in wild mosquito populations and mating barriers have foiled...
Three different <em>Plasmodium</em> species show similar patterns of clinical tolerance of malaria infection (Publications)
data on the age dependence of tolerance in other species of human malaria. METHODS: Parasite densities measured in 24,386 presumptive malaria cases at two local health centres in the Wosera area of Papua New [...] to the logarithm of the parasite density for all three malaria species, with little age variation in the relationship for P. vivax or P. malariae. P. falciparum shows more age variation in disease incidence [...] BACKGROUND: In areas where malaria endemicity is high, many people...
Estimating the numbers of malaria infections in blood samples using high-resolution genotyping data (Publications)
People living in endemic areas often habour several malaria infections at once. High-resolution genotyping can distinguish between infections by detecting the presence of different alleles at a polymorphic
The acceptability of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants (IPTi) delivered through the expanded programme of immunization in... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants (IPTi) reduces the incidence of clinical malaria. However, before making decisions about implementation, it is essential to ensure that [...] attitudes or adherence to the expanded programme on immunisation (EPI) or treatment seeking or existing malaria prevention. CONCLUSION: In order to improve adherence to both EPI and IPTi local priorities should
Allomonal effect of breath contributes to differential attractiveness of humans to the African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae (Publications)
contributes to between-person differences in relative attractiveness to the highly anthropophilic malaria vector Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto remains unknown and was the focus of the present study. METHODS: [...] contributor to between-person differences in the relative attractiveness of humans to this important malaria vector