Clinical Performance Evaluation and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of miLab platform for Supporting Malaria Control in Target Countries (Projects)
samples. The platform is of potential high interested for malaria control, namely malaria diagnostics in low- and middle-income countries, as malaria remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in large [...] compared to the current routine malaria diagnostic in the field. The impact evaluation will also assess whether and how the use of miLab contributes to an improved malaria case detection workflow in two
Characterization of field malaria isolates and assessment of the impact of resistance profile on the transmission of resistant strains (Projects)
field malaria parasites, in order to provide a more realistic representation of malaria transmission occurring in natural settings. We will establish a continuous culture protocol for field malaria parasite [...] Health Institute (IHI, Tanzania). Malaria elimination is threatened by resistance to current insecticides and antimalarials. Developing novel technologies that target malaria transmission, such as transmission [...] transmission blocking drugs, vaccines or insecticides to control malari...
Evaluation of the Community-Based Malaria Surveillance and Response in Rwanda (Projects)
sustaining malaria elimination. Today, most of malaria control strategies rely on passive case detection through health facilities and CHWs. This passive case detection forms the foundation of malaria surveillance [...] approach will help Rwanda malaria control program to improve the deployment of interventions, and ultimately sustain the gains in malaria declines towards the achievement of malaria elimination in Rwanda. [...] proportion of malaria infections will not take the attention of...
Modeling support for BMGF Malaria Portfolio Analysis (Projects)
in the malaria product portfolio of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and partners. This model-based evidence combined with costs and economic analysis supports strategic decisions for malaria.
Evaluation of the Papua New Guinea National Malaria Control Program, 2018-2020 (Projects)
information on malaria control intervention coverage, prevalence of malaria infection, and on different aspects of the changing malaria epidemiology in PNG, including on the local transmission of malaria in the [...] distinct malaria burden amenable to different combinations of interventions) Activity 2: School Malaria Survey (assessing malaria prevalence in school aged schildren) Activity 3: National Malaria Indicator [...] considered the country with the highest malaria transmission outside of...
The potential of intermittent irrigation for increasing rice yields, lowering water consumption, reducing methane emissions, and controlling malaria... (Publications)
e for transmission of malaria. The method of irrigation on an intermittent basis during the rice-cropping calendar has gained renewed interest as a potentially effective malaria control strategy since [...] irrigation in the cultivation of rice. This method has been shown to reduce significantly the density of malaria vectors by curtailing their larval development. Furthermore, reduced methane emissions and water
Challenges in routine implementation and quality control of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria: Rufiji District, Tanzania (Publications)
Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) represent an alternative to microscopy for malaria diagnosis and have shown high sensitivity and specificity in a variety of study settings. Current World Health Organization [...] April 2007, we introduced a histidine-rich protein II (HRP2)-based RDT (Paracheck) for suspected malaria cases five years of age and older in nine health facilities in Rufiji District, Tanzania, to assess