Repurposing of the open access malaria box for kinetoplastid diseases identifies novel active scaffolds against trypanosomatids (Publications)
research using a publicly available screening tool to boost drug discovery. The Malaria Box, assembled by the Medicines for Malaria Venture, is a structurally diverse set of 200 druglike and 200 probelike compounds [...] screening the Malaria Box against a plethora of other parasites would enable the community to better understand the similarities and differences between them. We describe the screening of the Malaria Box and
Diagnostic accuracy of a LAMP kit for diagnosis of imported malaria in Switzerland (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of acute malaria in non-endemic countries is still carried out largely by microscopic examination of thick and thin smears or rapid diagnostic tests. Low-density infections might [...] METHOD: We examined the suitability of a new loop-mediated isothermal DNA-amplification kit (LAMP) for malaria diagnosis in febrile returning travellers in comparison to qPCR and microscopic examination in a [...] non-endemic setting at the Swiss TPH.RESULTS: Among 205 complete datasets,...
Estimating the burden of malaria in Senegal: Bayesian zero-inflated binomial geostatistical modeling of the MIS 2008 data (Publications)
(CRDH) with the technical assistance of ICF Macro and the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) conducted in 2008/2009 the Senegal Malaria Indicator Survey (SMIS), the first nationally representative household [...] household survey collecting parasitological data and malaria-related indicators. In this paper, we present spatially explicit parasitaemia risk estimates and number of infected children below 5 years. [...] infected children under the age of 5 years is Kolda (13940). The...
Malaria treatment in the retail sector: knowledge and practices of drug sellers in rural Tanzania (Publications)
of Kilombero and Ulanga, Tanzania, we interviewed 489 shopkeepers about their knowledge of malaria and malaria treatment. A complementary mystery shoppers study was conducted in 118 retail outlets in order [...] general shops. RESULTS: Shopkeepers in drug stores were able to name more malaria symptoms and were more knowledgeable about malaria treatment than their peers in general shops. In drug stores, 52% mentioned [...] case. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of malaria case-management in the retail...
Microbial larvicide application by a large-scale, community-based program reduces malaria infection prevalence in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria control in Africa is most tractable in urban settlements yet most research has focused on rural settings. Elimination of malaria transmission from urban areas may require larval control [...] managed, delivery systems in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Continuous, randomized cluster sampling of malaria infection prevalence and non-random programmatic surveillance of entomological inoculation rate (EIR) [...] = 0.001) when 45% (9/20) of directly observed transmission events...
Artemisinin-based combination therapy does not measurably reduce human infectiousness to vectors in a setting of intense malaria transmission (Publications)
n therapy (ACT) for treating malaria has activity against immature gametocytes. In theory, this property may complement the effect of terminating otherwise lengthy malaria infections and reducing the parasite [...] are common and cured patients are rapidly and repeatedly re-infected. METHODS: From 2001 to 2004, malaria vector densities were monitored using light traps in three Tanzanian districts. Mosquitoes were dissected [...] determined by ELISA. Sulphadoxinepyrimethamine (SP) monotherapy was...
<em>Plasmodium vivax</em> and mixed infections are associated with severe malaria in children: a prospective cohort study from Papua New Guinea (Publications)
prospective cohort study conducted within the framework of the Malaria Vaccine Epidemiology and Evaluation Project. All presumptive malaria cases presenting at two rural health facilities over an 8-y period [...] diagnosis of malaria associated with asexual blood stage parasitaemia and recent history of fits, or coma, or respiratory distress, or anaemia [haemoglobin < 5 g/dl]). Out of 17,201 presumptive malaria cases [...] BACKGROUND: Severe malaria (SM) is classically associated with Plasmodium...