Clinical Performance Evaluation and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of miLab platform for Supporting Malaria Control in Target Countries (Projects)
samples. The platform is of potential high interested for malaria control, namely malaria diagnostics in low- and middle-income countries, as malaria remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in large [...] compared to the current routine malaria diagnostic in the field. The impact evaluation will also assess whether and how the use of miLab contributes to an improved malaria case detection workflow in two
Characterization of field malaria isolates and assessment of the impact of resistance profile on the transmission of resistant strains (Projects)
field malaria parasites, in order to provide a more realistic representation of malaria transmission occurring in natural settings. We will establish a continuous culture protocol for field malaria parasite [...] Health Institute (IHI, Tanzania). Malaria elimination is threatened by resistance to current insecticides and antimalarials. Developing novel technologies that target malaria transmission, such as transmission [...] transmission blocking drugs, vaccines or insecticides to control malari...
Evaluation of the Community-Based Malaria Surveillance and Response in Rwanda (Projects)
sustaining malaria elimination. Today, most of malaria control strategies rely on passive case detection through health facilities and CHWs. This passive case detection forms the foundation of malaria surveillance [...] approach will help Rwanda malaria control program to improve the deployment of interventions, and ultimately sustain the gains in malaria declines towards the achievement of malaria elimination in Rwanda. [...] proportion of malaria infections will not take the attention of...
Provision of a Scoping Study for a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on behalf of Target Malaria (Projects)
Genetically modified mosquitoes represent great potential for malaria control. Any future application of gene drive mosquitoes for malaria control will require many elements, including policy action, [...] to suppress populations of malaria vector mosquitoes. The assessments main objectives are to: (i) raise awareness amongst policy makers of genetic control tools for malaria using gene drives (ii) develop [...] gene drive (the action) and subsequent reduction of malaria (the desired effect)...
Spatio-temporal modelling to assess the impact of climate change on the burden of malaria and to support early warning systems (Projects)
climate variability, land use, malaria vector control coverage and socio-economic factors to changes in malaria incidence and mortality; (ii) develop stochastic metapopulation malaria transmission models which [...] statistical models to forecast malaria; (iv) evaluate the effects of environmental vector-control with microbial larvicides on the burden of malaria; and (v) project future malaria burden based on scenarios [...] changes, malaria interventions and socioeconomic effects, which are...
Global Malaria Technical & Training Support Package, Phase 3 (Projects)
global malaria control and elimination by shaping global and national malaria control and elimination policies, and ultimately to reduce the malaria burden and to increase the number of malaria-free zones [...] and national malaria strategies. Background Thanks to the scale-up of effective malaria vector control tools such as insecticide-treated mosquito nets, diagnostics and medicines, malaria mortality has [...] Back Malaria action plan, aligned with the 2016-2030 timeline of the Sustainable...
Country modelling to support National Malaria Control Programs - High Burden to High Impact (Projects)
the Roll Back Malaria partnership (RBM), public health modelers have been invited by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (“the Global Fund”) to support the national malaria programs on [...] of their data basis, current/past malaria trends in the country, and a simulation of the impact of malaria-related interventions. Our work is based on the OpenMalaria modelling platform developed by the [...] elaboration of country malaria strategic plans and provide insight to the coming...
Papua New Guinea National Malaria Control Programme Evaluation and Operational Research 2021 to 2023 (Projects)
exhibits a complex malaria epidemiology with marked heterogeneity in malaria transmission. With financial support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the National Malaria Control Program [...] across PNG to assess quality of malaria case management. Activity 2: a national Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS) to track progress in malaria intervention coverage and malaria prevalence on national and regional [...] changing malaria epidemiology in PNG (including aspects related...
BACKUP Health Cameroon - Improving Access to Malaria Care and Services for Children Under Five: Pilot Project (Projects)
approximately $101 million will go to malaria treatment and control programs. These funds are expected to be absorbed through the end of 2023. The National Malaria Control Program (PNLP) is working towards [...] groups of activities: Estimation of the costs of malaria treatment services and care: The aim is to propose three cost models for the management of all malaria care: "basic", "standard" and "comprehensive" [...] goal is to customize openIMIS to meet the needs of malaria care management....