Christian Lengeler: Malaria breitet sich wieder aus [Radio Broadcast] (Publications)
Das Ziel der Weltgesundheitsorganisation: Malaria bis 2050 auszurotten. Noch immer sterben rund eine halbe Million Menschen jährlich an Malaria, die Zahl der Toten sinkt seit einigen Jahren nicht mehr
Infectivity of symptomatic malaria patients to <em>Anopheles farauti</em> colony mosquitoes in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
to mosquitoes is an understudied bottleneck in the transmission of malaria. Direct membrane feeding assays (DMFA) allow detailed malaria transmission studies from humans to mosquitoes. Especially for Plasmodium [...] were performed with venous blood collected from rapid diagnostic test (RDT) positive symptomatic malaria patients and subsequently analysed by light microscopy and quantitative real time polymerase chain
Emulator-based Bayesian optimization for efficient multi-objective calibration of an individual-based model of malaria (Publications)
framework employing Gaussian process or machine learning emulator functions to calibrate a complex malaria transmission simulator. We demonstrate our approach by optimizing over a high-dimensional parameter [...] a portfolio of multiple fitting objectives built from datasets capturing the natural history of malaria transmission and disease progression. Our approach quickly outperforms previous calibrations, yielding
The 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 is an essential upstream activator of protein kinase A in malaria parasites (Publications)
t protein kinase A (PKA) signalling is essential for the proliferation of Plasmodium falciparum malaria blood stage parasites. The mechanisms regulating the activity of the catalytic subunit PfPKAc, however [...] function has not been investigated in gametocytes, the sexual blood stage forms that are essential for malaria transmission. By studying a conditional PfPKAc knockdown (cKD) mutant, we confirm the essential role
Effect of interventions to reduce malaria incidence among military personnel on active duty: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial... (Publications)
studies assessing the impact on malaria infection. This study will estimate the protective efficacy of treated uniforms and DEET insect repellent on the incidence of malaria infection among military personnel [...] placebo-controlled trial is planned to evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions on preventing malaria infections in soldiers on active duty at Mgambo National Service Camp in Tanga, Tanzania. The arms [...] untreated uniforms with placebo lotion. The primary outcome is the...
Spatial prediction of malaria prevalence in Papua New Guinea: a comparison of Bayesian decision network and multivariate regression modelling... (Publications)
performance when developing malaria prevalence maps due to the multiple interacting factors that drive malaria prevalence in different geographical areas. When developing malaria prevalence maps, BDNs may [...] BACKGROUND: Considerable progress towards controlling malaria has been made in Papua New Guinea through the national malaria control programme's free distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets, improved [...] linear model, GLM) in terms of malaria spatial risk prediction accuracy....
Mapping the endemicity and seasonality of clinical malaria for intervention targeting in Haiti using routine case data (Publications)
Towards the goal of malaria elimination on Hispaniola, the National Malaria Control Program of Haiti and its international partner organisations are conducting a campaign of interventions targeted to high-risk
A stable, oligosymptomatic malaria focus in Thailand (Publications)
residents of a non-migratory farming village in south-eastern Thailand was visually examined for malaria parasites monthly for 2 years. Nearly 97% of the population had at least one (median = 5) patent [...] negative. The spleen rate (89% stage 1) was 24% in those under 15 years old and 7% in those older. No malaria mortality was seen P. falciparum cases treated for 10 d with quinine+tetracycline (QT) cleared the [...] better with MSP than with QT. The role played by hyperendemic, cryptic foci...