Absence of dry season <em>Plasmodium</em> parasitaemia, but high rates of reported acute respiratory infection and diarrhoea in presschool-aged... (Publications)
epidemiology of malaria in the Senegal River Gorgol valley, southern Mauritania, requires particular attention in the face of ongoing and predicted environmental and climate changes. While "malaria cases" are [...] ons in neighbouring regions point to an absence of malaria transmission in mosquito vectors in the dry season. Because the clinical signs of malaria are non-specific and overlap with those of other diseases [...] diseases (e.g. acute respiratory infections and diarrhoea), new research...
Absence of dry season <em>Plasmodium</em> parasitaemia, but high rates of reported acute respiratory infection and diarrhoea in presschool-aged... (Publications)
epidemiology of malaria in the Senegal River Gorgol valley, southern Mauritania, requires particular attention in the face of ongoing and predicted environmental and climate changes. While "malaria cases" are [...] ons in neighbouring regions point to an absence of malaria transmission in mosquito vectors in the dry season. Because the clinical signs of malaria are non-specific and overlap with those of other diseases [...] diseases (e.g. acute respiratory infections and diarrhoea), new research...
Further development of simulations of Plasmodium falciparum interventions and their integration with the needs of stakeholders II (Projects)
models for predicting the effects of different malaria interventions. It is centered on contributions to the multi-group Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Malaria Modeling Consortium (MMC). Specific areas [...] e of malaria, of residual transmission, of prioritization and targeting of interventions, and modeling of surveillance-response systems. One important tool used in the project is the OpenMalaria open source [...] including analyses of health systems, pharmacodynamics, and entomological...
Global diversity and balancing selection of 23 leading <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>candidate vaccine antigens (Publications)
leading vaccine candidate antigens of P. falciparum using the MalariaGEN Pf3K (version 5.1) resource, comprising more than 2600 genomes from 15 malaria endemic countries. A stringent variant calling pipeline [...] genes encoding 23 leading and novel candidate malaria vaccine antigens including csp, trap, eba175, ama1, rh5, and CelTOS. Our analysis shows that current malaria vaccine formulations are based on rare haplotypes [...] Investigation of the diversity of malaria parasite antigens can...
Global diversity and balancing selection of 23 leading <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>candidate vaccine antigens (Publications)
leading vaccine candidate antigens of P. falciparum using the MalariaGEN Pf3K (version 5.1) resource, comprising more than 2600 genomes from 15 malaria endemic countries. A stringent variant calling pipeline [...] genes encoding 23 leading and novel candidate malaria vaccine antigens including csp, trap, eba175, ama1, rh5, and CelTOS. Our analysis shows that current malaria vaccine formulations are based on rare haplotypes [...] Investigation of the diversity of malaria parasite antigens can...
Analysis and mapping of prospective sources of funding for additional contributions to MEMTI (Projects)
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria set aside funding to incentivize the acceleration of efforts towards elimination of malaria in four countries in the Asia-Pacific region: Papua New [...] New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Timor-Leste. This "Malaria Elimination in Melanesia and Timor-Leste Initiative" (MEMTI) is additional to Global Fund country funding allocations and is intended [...] development partners. Regarding the identification of all sources of funding for...
Analysis and mapping of prospective sources of funding for additional contributions to MEMTI (Projects)
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria set aside funding to incentivize the acceleration of efforts towards elimination of malaria in four countries in the Asia-Pacific region: Papua New [...] New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Timor-Leste. This "Malaria Elimination in Melanesia and Timor-Leste Initiative" (MEMTI) is additional to Global Fund country funding allocations and is intended [...] development partners. Regarding the identification of all sources of funding for...
Naturally acquired immunoglobulin (Ig)G subclass antibodies to crude asexual <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> lysates: evidence for association with... (Publications)
subclass antibody activity present before the beginning of a malaria transmission season (preseason antibody levels) against severe malaria has not been tested in longitudinal studies. We measured IgG [...] significantly different between the children who developed severe malaria and those who remained healthy during an observation period of two malaria transmission seasons. However, elevated levels of IgG1 in relation [...] protection from severe malaria (P = 0.02). Conversely, elevated levels...
The risk of malarial infections and disease in Papua New Guinean children (Publications)
vivax = 5.28), they were 21 times more likely to develop symptomatic P. falciparum malaria (1.17/year) than P. vivax malaria (0.06/year). Children greater than nine years of age had a reduced risk of acquiring [...] to symptomatic P. falciparum malaria remained incomplete. These observations suggest that different mechanisms of immunity may be important for protection from these malaria species [...] study of 206 Papua New Guinean school children, we examined risk of reinfection and symptomatic ...
Naturally acquired immunoglobulin (Ig)G subclass antibodies to crude asexual <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> lysates: evidence for association with... (Publications)
subclass antibody activity present before the beginning of a malaria transmission season (preseason antibody levels) against severe malaria has not been tested in longitudinal studies. We measured IgG [...] significantly different between the children who developed severe malaria and those who remained healthy during an observation period of two malaria transmission seasons. However, elevated levels of IgG1 in relation [...] protection from severe malaria (P = 0.02). Conversely, elevated levels...