Dynamic electronic decision trees to manage childhood illness (Projects)
tests and devices such as pulse oximetry, hemoglobinometer, urine dipstick test, and rapid tests for malaria, HIV, and C-reactive protein form an integral part of the intervention. The project utilizes an
Trends of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> molecular markers associated with resistance to artemisinins and reduced susceptibility to lumefantrine in... (Publications)
Photo-induced electron transfer polymerase chain reaction (PET-PCR) was used to confirm presence of malaria parasites before capillary sequencing, which targeted two genes: Plasmodium falciparum kelch 13 propeller
Pregnancy-related morbidity and risk factors for fatal foetal outcomes in the Taabo health and demographic surveillance system, Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
= 3.15; 95% CI 1.71-5.80), only two doses of tetanus vaccination (aOR = 2.59; 95% CI 1.56-4.30), malaria during pregnancy (aOR = 1.94; 95% CI 1.21-3.11), preterm birth (aOR = 4.45; 95% CI 2.82-7.01), and
Antibiotic exposure among children younger than 5 years in low-income and middle-income countries: a cross-sectional study of nationally... (Publications)
prescribed to 80.5% of children diagnosed with respiratory illness, 50.1% with diarrhoea, and 28.3% with malaria. The mean number of antibiotic prescriptions issued to children between birth and age 5 years across
Effects of school-based physical activity and multi-micronutrient supplementation intervention on growth, health and well-being of schoolchildren in... (Publications)
micronutrient status, body composition, infections with soil-transmitted helminths, Schistosoma mansoni, malaria, inflammatory and cardiovascular health risk markers, cognitive function, health-related quality
Wayanin and guaijaverin, two active metabolites found in a <em>Psidium acutangulum</em> Mart. ex DC (syn. P. persoonii McVaugh) (Myrtaceae)... (Publications)
tree used by the Wayana Amerindians from the Upper-Maroni in French Guiana for the treatment of malaria. AIM OF THE STUDY: In a previous study, we highlighted the in vitro antiplasmodial, antioxidant and
Local and foreign authorship of maternal health interventional research in low- and middle-income countries: systematic mapping of publications... (Publications)
health systems or promotion; community-based activities; and haemorrhage, hypertension, HIV/STIs and malaria were included. Following review of 35,078 titles and abstracts, 2292 full-text publications were
Associations between the use of insecticide-treated nets in early childhood and educational outcomes, marriage and child-bearing in early adulthood:... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) in preventing malaria in young children is well established. However, the long-term effects of early childhood ITN use on educational outcomes
Integrated community based human and animal syndromic surveillance in Adadle district of the Somali region of Ethiopia (Publications)
humans, suspected cholera and chicken pox outbreaks were reported. Furthermore, tuberculosis and malaria cases were also confirmed in the study villages. In humans, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) disorder
An autoencoder and artificial neural network-based method to estimate parity status of wild mosquitoes from near-infrared spectra (Publications)
acquiring blood, they may acquire pathogens, which may cause different diseases in humans such as malaria, zika, dengue, and chikungunya. Therefore, knowing the parity status of mosquitoes is useful in control