Ultrastructural changes in midgut cells of female <em>Aedes aegypti</em> L. (Insecta, Diptera) after starvation or sugar diet (Publications)
The ultrastructure of the epithelial cells in the posterior part of the midgut in female Aedes aegypti was partly changed after starvation periods of 5 or 8 days. Most obvious is a drastic reduction o
Etude clinique et thérapeutique d'un collectif de 217 patients atteints de giardiase et d'amibiase intestinales (Publications)
In 15 months of the years 1979-1980, 158 patients with giardiasis and 69 patients with intestinal amebiasis were diagnosed and treated in the outpatient department of the Swiss Tropical Institute. Rep
Pyrazolopyrimidine metabolism in African trypanosomes: metabolic similarities to <em>Trypanosoma cruzi</em> and <em>Leishmania</em> spp (Publications)
Growth inhibition and radioisotope incorporation studies with allopurinol (4-hydroxypyrazolo(3,4-d)pyrimidine) have shown that the African trypanosomes are biologically and biochemically similar to Le