Grantee Stories | Leading House Africa (Page)
Grantee Stories Solar-Assisted Water Supply with GDM-Water-Treatment Technology A Cooperation Between Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland and South Africa The lack of universal access to e
The significance of effective communication in times of COVID-19 (Blog)
Access to information is a basic human right. In times of crisis, timely and accurate information plays an important role in controlling a situation. Our partners of the AQH project share how effectiv
Newsletterarchiv (Page)
Archive Newsletter 12/2016 Newsletter 10/2016 Newsletter 8/2016 Newsletter 6/2016 Newsletter 4/2016 Newsletter 2/2016 Newsletter 12/2015 Newsletter 10/2015 Newsletter 8/2015 Newsletter 6/2015 Newslett
Warum wir uns mit der Einschätzung von Risiken so schwertun (Page)
Machen wir ein kleines Gedankenexperiment. 1: Sie sind letzte Woche mit einer seltenen unheilbaren Krankheit in Berührung gekommen. Wer von dieser Krankheit angesteckt wird, stirbt innerhalb einer Woc
The ‘death rays’ that never were (Page)
Some people simply manage to be in the right place at the right time. Martin Röösli is surely one of them. Back in 2001, Röösli had just completed his doctoral thesis. He had first worked as a teacher
One Health Initiative for Food Safety in Palestine (Page)
Hi Said, thanks for joining us today! Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I am from Palestine and have a degree in Veterinary Medicine and a Master’s in Public Health. I have worked in both veterina
Gut microbes - Friends or foes? (Page)
When I thought of the word “worms”, I used to associate it with a vast abundance of creatures that live in the soil a few meters beneath my feet. To some extent, this connection might be right, as “wo
Antimicrobial resistance: the silent pandemic (Page)
Hi Esther, thanks for joining us! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself? I am an infectious disease specialist and the ad interim Head of the Travel Clinic at Swiss TPH, where I work with patien
Malaria eradication requires more than magic bullets (Page)
The global effort to control malaria, starting with the first concerted actions at the end of the 19 th century, has resulted in a major public health success. A disease transmitted and feared in near
An electronic application improves quality of health care for children (Page)
The application is the brainchild of a partnership involving the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Swiss TPH and the Adamawa State Primary Heath Care Development Agency (ADSPHCDA). ALMA