Smartphone-Based Tool Improves Care of Children in Tanzania (Page)
Smartphone-Based Tool Improves Care of Children in Tanzania 27.10.2017 Diagnosis and care of children under five with acute infections years remains a challenge in many parts of the world, resulting i
Scientifically Proven: Air Pollution Harms Health (Page)
Scientifically Proven: Air Pollution Harms Health 31.01.2019 The debate on air quality standards for ambient air pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, particulate matter and ozone has revived in Germany
Akuter Durchfall belastet Schweizer Volkswirtschaft (Page)
Akuter Durchfall belastet Schweizer Volkswirtschaft 04.08.2017 by Anna Wegelin Magen-Darm-Erkrankungen führen in der Schweiz zu beträchtlichen Erwerbsausfällen und verursachen hohe volkswirtschaftlich
Combination Therapy to Treat Parasitic Worm Infections (Page)
Combination Therapy to Treat Parasitic Worm Infections 29.08.2017 1.5 billion people worldwide are infected with soil-transmitted helminths, a parasitic worm infection. In the past, only two drugs hav
Eier der Tigermücke in Basel gefunden (Page)
Eier der Tigermücke in Basel gefunden 25.08.2017 Ende Juli wurden an zwei Orten im Kanton Basel-Stadt Eigelege der Tigermücke gefunden. Das Schweizerische Tropen- und Public Health-Institut (Swiss TPH
Reduced Efficacy of Anthelmintic Drugs (Page)
Reduced Efficacy of Anthelmintic Drugs 26.09.2017 Approximately 1.5 billion people worldwide are affected by soil-transmitted helminth infections. Efficacy of current treatments is decreasing, as indi
Treating Schistosomiasis in Pre-School Children (Page)
Treating Schistosomiasis in Pre-School Children 13.06.2017 by Sabina Beatrice-Matter Schistosomiasis, which is caused by flatworms, is one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases in Africa. One drug
World TB Day (Page)
World TB Day 22.03.2017 by Sabina Beatrice-Matter On 24 March, we commemorate World TB Day. Tuberculosis remains one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide with annually 1.8 million deaths. 250,000 o
Malaria Photo and Video Contest (Page)
The Swiss Malaria Group and its partners are launching a worldwide #EndMalaria Photo and Video Contest. All Swiss TPH News Malaria Malaria Photo and Video Contest 16.01.2017 by Konstantina Boutsika Pa
Schweizer Kohorte mit Biobank: Notwendige Basis für Public-Health-Forschung und grosse Langzeitstudien (Page)
Public Health erforscht und fördert Umstände, um die Gesundheit ganzer Bevölkerungen zu schützen und zu verbessern. Klare Aussagen zu Krankheitsentstehung, zu Planung und Evaluation von Behandlungs-,