HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: Testing and starting treatment at home (Page)
HIV in sub-Sahara Africa: Testing and Treatment Start at Home Improves Therapy Outcome 06.03.2018 Home-based HIV testing and prompt treatment with antiretroviral therapy increases the number of patien
20171220 One Health (Page)
Tackling Tuberculosis in Europe 12.01.2018 Migration increases the risk of tuberculosis outbreaks in populations. The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) contributed to the document
Customize and setup the modular version of openIMIS for Health Insurance Board requirements (Projects)
This initiative aims to assist the Nepal Health Insurance Board (NHIB) in upgrading its legacy openIMIS to a full modular architecture, to develop new features on top of existing openIMIS modules, and
eLearning (Page)
eLearning - Programmes eLearning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. Information and communication systems, whether using the internet, local networks or CD/DVD, ser
Photos (Page)
Photos and Downloads More than 350 experts and key stakeholders from academia, the pharmaceutical industry, policy and product development partnerships came together at our symposium to evaluate curre
Noise (Page)
Noise Exposure to noise seriously harms human health. It can cause sleep disturbances or heart and metabolic conditions, it affects performance at school and work and triggers changes in social behavi
The Swiss Aeging Citizen Reference (SACR) | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
The Swiss Ageing Citizen Reference (SACR) SACR is a driver project of the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) aimed to: Harmonize and apply data and biomaterial from existing Swiss citizen cohort
Setting Up an Epidemiological Study in Tanzania (Page)
Cardiovascular diseases are on a strong rise in low- and middle-income countries. Thanks to the better control of infectious disease such as HIV/Aids, malaria, and tuberculosis, the population grows o