Validation of self-reported figural drawing scales against anthropometric measurements in adults (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to validate figural drawing scales depicting extremely lean to extremely obese subjects to obtain proxies for BMI and waist circumference in postal surveys.
Host finding of the pigeon tick <em>Argas reflexus</em> (Publications)
The medically and veterinary important feral pigeon tick Argas reflexus (Ixodida: Argasidae) Fabricius usually feeds on pigeons, but if its natural hosts are not available, it also enters dwellings to
A generic schema and data collection forms applicable to diverse entomological studies of mosquitoes (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Standardized schemas, databases, and public data repositories are needed for the studies of malaria vectors that encompass a remarkably diverse array of designs and rapidly generate large
Electroencephalographic features of convulsive epilepsy in Africa: a multicentre study of prevalence, pattern and associated factors (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: We investigated the prevalence and pattern of electroencephalographic (EEG) features of epilepsy and the associated factors in Africans with active convulsive epilepsy (ACE). METHODS: We ch
Premature mortality of epilepsy in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review from the mortality task force of the International League... (Publications)
To determine the magnitude of risk factors and causes of premature mortality associated with epilepsy in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We conducted a systematic search of the literature re
Critical evaluation of molecular monitoring in malaria drug efficacy trials and pitfalls of length-polymorphic markers (Publications)
Estimation of drug efficacy in antimalarial drug trials requires parasite genotyping to distinguish new infections from treatment failures. When using length-polymorphic molecular markers, preferentia
Performance of health workers using an electronic algorithm for the management of childhood illness in Tanzania: a pilot implementation study (Publications)
In low-resource settings, where qualified health workers (HWs) are scarce and childhood mortality high, rational antimicrobial prescription for childhood illnesses is a challenge. To assess whether sm