Association between community noise and children's cognitive and behavioral development: a prospective cohort study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Noise exposure has been associated with adverse cognitive and behavioral outcomes in children, but evidence on longitudinal associations between community noise and child development in lo
Perinatal mental disorders in Switzerland: prevalence estimates and use of mental-health services (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Perinatal mental disorders (PMDs) are the most common complication of pregnancy and the first postpartum year. Since PMD prevalence and use of mental-health services by perinatal women in
Sexual and reproductive healthcare for women asylum seekers in Switzerland: a multi-method evaluation (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Forced migration significantly endangers health. Women face numerous health risks, including sexual violence, lack of contraception, sexually transmitted disease, and adverse perinatal out
The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields exposure on human self-reported symptoms: a protocol for a systematic review of human... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The technological applications of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) have been steadily increasing since the 1950s across multiple sectors exposing large proportions of the pop
Perinatal mental health care from the user and provider perspective: protocol for a qualitative study in Switzerland (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Mental disorders in the perinatal period (PMD) can severely harm women and their children if not detected early and treated appropriately. Even though mental health care is covered by heal
Distribution of bovine <em>Fasciola gigantica</em> (Cobbold, 1885) in the district des Savanes, northern Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Fascioliasis, caused by an infection with liver flukes of the genus Fasciola, is an important disease of livestock in most parts of the world. However, little is known about the distribution of fascio
Overcoming roadblocks in the development of vaccines for leishmaniasis (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: The leishmaniases represent a group of parasitic diseases caused by infection with one of several species of Leishmania parasites. Disease presentation varies because of differences in p
Adherence to the paediatric immunisation schedule in England (Publications)
Both adequate coverage and adherence to paediatric immunisation schedules are required for optimal protection against vaccine preventable diseases. We studied the timeliness of routine paediatric vacc
Reliability of trial information across registries for trials with multiple registrations: a systematic review (Publications)
IMPORTANCE: Clinical trial registries are important for gaining an overview of ongoing research efforts and for deterring and identifying publication bias and selective outcome reporting. The reliabil
Maternal drinking behaviour and co-exposure from smoking during and after pregnancy in relation to the neurocognitive function of school-children in... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Maternal substance use and its long-term effect on the neurocognitive functions of children is a global public health issue. Despite an increase in substance use in rural areas of low to m