Prevalence of <em>Schistosoma </em>mono- and co-infections with multiple common parasites and associated risk factors and morbidity profile among... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Schistosomiasis remains an important public health problem, also among adults, and infected individuals not treated serve as a reservoir for continued transmission. Despite this fact, evidence [...] circulating cathodic antigen of S. mansoni. Risk factors and morbidity profiles were assessed using health examination and questionnaires. Multinomial logistic regressions were employed to identify risk factors [...] was independently associated with higher pain and symptom scores...
Demand and supply of adolescent and young adult’s sexual and reproductive health services during COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review (Publications)
including Medline Complete, Africa-Wide, SocINDEX, Academic Search Complete (all through EBSCOhost), Public Health, Social Science & Sociology databases, the Middle East & Africa Database (all through ProQuest) [...] containment strategies have significantly impacted the logistics of supplying sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to adolescents and young adults (AYA) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Studies conducted [...] by countries in SSA to mitigate these effects. Several countries in...
Mapping health service coverage inequalities in Africa: a scoping review protocol (Publications)
Addressing inequities in health service coverage is a global priority, especially with the resurgence of interest in universal health coverage. However, in Africa, which has the lowest health service coverage [...] the progress of countries in addressing inequalities related to health services. Thus, we seek to map the evidence on inequalities in health service coverage in Africa. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We will conduct [...] inequalities in health service coverage in Africa, and propose...
Multicentre harmonization and co-analysis for large-scale environmental epidemiology : combining environmental exposure and health datasets (Publications)
Background Like other branches of epidemiology and public health, environmental epidemiology faces the significant challenge of teasing out the health effects of a large number of interplaying risk factors [...] improve our comprehension of exposure-response relationships which help define the public health response to environmental health risks. [...] and respiratory health resulted in well-powered studies which showed clinically meaningful associations between particulate matter and nitrogen...
Multicentre harmonization and co-analysis for large-scale environmental epidemiology : combining environmental exposure and health datasets (Publications)
Background Like other branches of epidemiology and public health, environmental epidemiology faces the significant challenge of teasing out the health effects of a large number of interplaying risk factors [...] improve our comprehension of exposure-response relationships which help define the public health response to environmental health risks. [...] and respiratory health resulted in well-powered studies which showed clinically meaningful associations between particulate matter and nitrogen...
Methods and data needs to assess health impacts of chemicals in industrial contaminated sites (Publications)
different health outcomes. Deprived population groups endure most of the burden of disease and premature death associated to the exposure to those pollutants. Characterising the impacts on health of an ICS [...] suitable methodological approach for characterising health impacts in ICSs according to the site characteristics, and the availability of environmental, health and sociodemographic data. RESULTS: HHRA has evolved [...] directly. Complementing the results obtained from different...
Potential health effects of cyanide use in artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Burkina Faso (Publications)
of cyanide in Burkina Faso’s ASGM sector is associatedwith potential negative health effects. Hence, specific public health interventions are warranted, such asraising awareness among miners of the risks [...] of cyanideexposure pathways, potential human exposure and associated health effects in ASGM communities inorder to tailor health promotion and sustainable development recommendations for local actors [...] cyanide use, promotion of protective measures andstrengthening of health sector...
Air pollution and human health: a phenome-wide association study (Publications)
to public health, including senile cataract, hearing loss and urinary tract infection. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study suggest that air pollution has a more extensive impact on human health than [...] dioxide (NO(2)) were both positively associated with the onset of more than 700 health conditions (ie, > 80% of the registered health conditions) after correction for multiple testing, while the remaining as [...] OBJECTIVES: To explore the associations of long-term exposure to air...
Identifying the mental health burden in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) patients in Switzerland: a pilot study (Publications)
Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating chronic disease of significant public health and clinical importance. It affects multiple systems in the body and has neuro-immunological [...] neuroendocrine pathways. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of ME/CFS on the mental health and secondary psychosocial manifestations of patients, as well as their coping mechanisms. METHOD: [...] thirds of the patients (68.5%) experienced stigmatization. ME/CFS had a...
Using and improving the PHISICC paper-based tools in the health facility laboratories: examples of Human Centered Design taking systems thinking into... (Publications)
detriment of useful data for clinical and public health decision-making, potentially compromising the quality of their health care provison. In order to support health workers' decision-making, we engaged with [...] paper-based health information tools: the PHISICC tools. Our aim was to understand the use of PHISICC tools by health workers and to improve them based on their feedback. MethodsThe design Health Facility [...] an analytical health systems framework, HCD approaches can work in...