Allg. Übersichtsberichte (Page)
General reports on health effects from air pollutants EKL empfiehlt zum Schutz der Gesundheit Anpassung der Immissionsgrenzwerte Der Bericht der Eidgenössischen Kommission für Lufthygiene (EKL) empfie
MOBI-AIR Von September 2022 bis April 2023 haben rund 500 Teilnehmende der COVCO-Basel Studie freiwillig an der MOBI-AIR Umweltstudie mitgemacht. Zurzeit werden die Daten analysiert und für wissenscha
spezifische Luftschadstoffe (Page)
Reports on specific air pollutants Quantifizierung der Krankheitslast verursacht durch Ozon-Exposition in Deutschland für die Jahre 2007-2016 On behalf of the Federal Environment Agency, this report c
"Pollen is beautiful...but also quite annoying" | Impact Story (Page)
Why does Pollen Fly? "Pollen is not only incredibly beautiful but also highly annoying for many allergy sufferers. It causes irritation and discomfort," began Marloes Eeftens. Pollen, which are the ma
Kelly Chibale: Learning to Fail Your Way to Success (Page)
Learning to Fail Your Way to Success Kelly Chibale was – to say the least – not born into science. Yet, he has become one of the most influential researchers in the field of drug discovery and develop
Nutrition as a driver and outcome of agroecology (Publications)
The principles of agroecology do not explicitly state a link with nutrition. Yet, we argue that among them, input reduction, biodiversity, economic diversification, social values and diets, fairness,