Work area measurements as predictors of personal exposure to endotoxin and cotton dust in the cotton textile industry (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: To determine if work area measurements of endotoxin and/or cotton dust obtained from the vertical elutriator (VE) can be used to predict levels of personal endotoxin exposure as measured b
Reduced lung cancer mortality and exposure to synthetic fluids and biocide in the auto manufacturing industry (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: Water-based soluble and synthetic metalworking fluids (MWF) used in auto manufacturing may be contaminated by endotoxin from Gram-negative bacteria, a possible anticarcinogen via increased
Airflow limitation and changes in pulmonary function among bleachery workers (Publications)
This study investigated whether chronic airflow limitation and rapid decline in pulmonary function were associated with peak exposures to ozone and other irritant gases in pulp mills. Bleachery worker
Provider-patient interaction in rural Cameroon: how it relates to the patient's understanding of diagnosis and prescribed drugs, the patient's concept... (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: This cross-sectional survey examines the relation between provider-patient interaction and several patient-outcomes in a rural health district in Cameroon. METHODS: We used structured patie
Early assessment of the implementation of a national programme for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Cameroon and the effects... (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: To assess the availability of equipment and the staff's knowledge to prevent Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) in rural healthcare facilities recently covered by the national PMTCT prog
Exposure to ozone gases in pulp mills and the onset of rhinitis (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: Rhinitis is a common upper respiratory disease influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. It is also accepted that allergic rhinitis may precede asthma, a disease with more serio
Genetic susceptibility to occupational exposures (Publications)
Because of their high prevalence in the general population, genetic variants that determine susceptibility to environmental exposures may contribute greatly to the development of occupational diseases