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Reducing abortion costs to health systems (Publications)
Reducing abortion-related mortality in South Asia: a review of constraints and a road map for change (Publications)
PGC-1alpha improves glucose homeostasis in skeletal muscle in an activity-dependent manner (Publications)
Revalorisation des déchets solides plastiques à la zone industrielle de Yopougon (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire) et risques sanitaires associés (Publications)
Demographic and health assessment of mobile populations and their livestock in Lake Chad area (Publications)
Prevalence of hypertension and associated risk factors among diabetes patients in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: a case for integrated care (Publications)
The combined effect of determinants on coverage of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancy in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania (Publications)
Risks of helminth transmission from urban wastewater reuse systems in Kampala, Uganda and Hanoi, Vietnam (Publications)
Epidemiological effectiveness of insecticide treated nets in the presence of pyrethroid resistance (Publications)
Comparative cost-effectiveness of ITNs or IRS in Sub-Saharan Africa (Publications)