Eine Studie zur obligatorischen ärztlichen Reihenuntersuchung von Lehrlinge im Kanton Basel-Stadt (Publications)
A project in the framework of the National Research Programme on Efficiency in Health care investigates the effects of the medical aptitude examinations, which are -- unique in Switzerland -- legally
Tuberkulintestierung in der Praxis (Publications)
A study was conducted to compare the Tuberculin-Tine test with the Tuberculin Monotest; a total of 1861 pupils (age 15) were tested with either of the two tests, non-reactors were retested with a Mant
Consumption of sweets and freedom from caries in Basle school children (Publications)
A sample of 1'838 school children of Basle, aged 8 to 14 years, who were examined by dentists of the school dental health service, attended at the same time a 24 hour recall interview on nutritional h
Factors influencing dental caries in school children in a city with fluoridated water (Publications)
In a joint study by the school health and the school dental health service 4386 children were examined and their nutritional habits recorded. Analysis shows that mainly the consumption of sweets betwe