A chromosomal reference genome sequence for the malaria mosquito <em>Anopheles gambia, </em>Giles, 1902, Ifakara strain (Publications)
We present a genome assembly from an individual female Anopheles gambiae (the malaria mosquito; Arthropoda; Insecta; Diptera; Culicidae), Ifakara strain. The genome sequence is 264 megabases in span.
Transdisciplinarity in higher education: the potential of digitalization (Publications)
The complexity and urgency of societal challenges are growing steadily, as the world currently experiences with managing the coronavirus pandemic. Transdisciplinary research approaches are necessary t
A randomized, double-blind placebo-control study assessing the protective efficacy of an odour-based 'push-pull' malaria vector control strategy in... (Publications)
Novel malaria vector control strategies targeting the odour-orientation of mosquitoes during host-seeking, such as 'attract-and-kill' or 'push-and-pull', have been suggested as complementary tools to
Fake malaria and hidden parasites - the ambiguity of malaria (Publications)
Lay perspectives and health-seeking behaviour for malaria were investigated in an ethnographic study carried out in a village in south-eastern Tanzania. The inhabitants have easy access to hospital se
The Cervical Cancer Prevention and Care Cascade for women living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: Delphi Consensus Process (Publications)
The project has aim to develop internationally agreed-upon indicators to monitor provision of cervical cancer care to women living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa throughout consensus process with stak
Cervical cancer prevention and care indicators for women living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: Delphi Method (Publications)
Dr M. Davidovic speaks to ecancer about cervical cancer prevention and care indicators for women living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa. She discusses the current situation of cervical cancer preventio
Social-political and vaccine related determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Tanzania: a qualitative inquiry (Publications)
Vaccines have played a critical role in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic globally, and Tanzania has made significant efforts to make them available to the public in addition to sensitizing them o