Caring on the Frontlines: addressing safety, equity, and economic vulnerabilities of community health care workers in eastern DRC using a... (Projects)
In the South Kivu province, Eastern DRC, Community Health Workers (CHWs) face significant challenges due to ongoing conflict, frequent epidemics, and a strained healthcare system. Their vital work is
Air Pollution and Health Literature Database and Services 2024-2025 (Projects)
LUDOK is a Swiss competence center for the effects of outdoor air pollution on human health at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH). The documentation center has been financed by
User-driven Health risk Assessment Services and Innovative ADAPTation options against Threats from Heatwaves, Air Pollution, Wildfire Emission and... (Projects)
Transformative adaptation is gaining recognition as the appropriate response to climate change as the current adaptive measures reach their limits. In addressing health risks associated with heat wave
Feasibility of interrupting M. leprae transmission in Tanzania (Projects)
The Morogoro Leprosy Elimination Program (MoLEP) aims to develop and implement an effective strategy to interrupt Mycobacterium leprae transmission in the Morogoro region of Tanzania, the region with
Performance of new and standard tests for Schistosoma haematobium diagnosis in elimination settings (Projects)
The World Health Organization (WHO) has set the goal to eliminate schistosomiasis as a public health problem globally by 2030 and to interrupt transmission in selected areas. Thanks to intense schisto
Heat and health: Status of the implementation of adaptation measures (Projects)
Increasing heat stress poses a risk to human health. The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), together with other federal agencies, is implementing the measure "Information and recommendations for
Noise and/or ultrafine particulate matter induced cerebral and cardiovascular damage: novel insights from experimental and epidemiological brain-heart... (Projects)
Traffic noise and air pollution, especially particulate matter (PM), are closely linked environmental risk factors that contribute significantly to the development of diseases such as diabetes, hypert
Studying the evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis across timescales and its consequences for drug resistance development and patient treatment... (Projects)
Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the most important global health problems. With the COVID-19 pandemic receding, TB is once again the number one cause of human mortality due to infection. Moreover, mu
HIV/AIDS Prevention in Central Africa, Phase VI (Projects)
Based on the results of the previous phases, Phase VI of the Projet Prévention VIH/SIDA en Afrique Centrale (PPSAC) emphasizes continuity, but at the same time refocus certain main lines of activity.
Medical Education Development Ukraine, Project Phase 2 (Projects)
The Ukrainian medical education system is ill-prepared to meet the complex population needs. Training curricula are outdated and teaching staff lacks essentials skills, capacities and motivation. The