Beyond seasonal suffering: Effects of Pollen on Cardiorespiratory Health and Allergies (Projects)
As climate change increases the duration and intensity of the pollen season, allergies to airborne pollen are increasingly common in Europe. Yet, it is not well recognized that high pollen concentrati
P-4 Swiss Learning Health System (Projects)
In learning health systems (LHS), the research agenda is collaboratively developed to be responsive to current health system needs and to facilitate the flow of information at levels of policy, resea
The Last Mile: Novel Tools and Strategies for Breaking Schistosomiasis Transmission (Projects)
Background: Global elimination of schistosomiasis as a public health problem is set as target in the new World Health Organization’s Neglected Tropical Diseases Roadmap for 2030. Due to a long history
Stratified Host-Directed Therapy for Rifampicin-Resistant TB: A Randomized Controlled Multi-Centre Trial (Projects)
Tuberculosis (TB) has historically been the most common infectious cause of death globally, surpassed only recently (and presumably temporarily) by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. TB treatment is lengt
SAPALDIA program (Projects)
The SAPALDIA cohort investigates since 1991 the effects of life style and environment on the chronic diseases and aging in adults of the Swiss general population. The SAPALDIA study participants have
Impact of duration of antibiotic therapy and of oral step-down to amoxicillin or co-amoxiclav on effectiveness, safety and selection of antimicrobial... (Projects)
Antibiotics are key to managing childhood pneumonia, especially severe/very severe pneumonia, which remains a leading cause of hospitalisation in lower/middle income countries. WHO recommends children
Institutional Capacity Strengthening for Health Research Partnerships between Switzerland and West Africa (Projects)
This institutional capacity strengthening approach of the triangular research management consortium aims at developing a cross-institutional framework with standardized procedures and training of trai
Genome-wide analysis of variations in Plasmodium falciparum parasites population and their impact on different malaria interventions in Tanzania (Projects)
Malaria affects millions of people globally, and the disease remains one of the major public health problems occurring in most parts of the world, causing thousands of deaths each year, especially amo
Boosting Public Discourse: Towards a Targeted, Evidence-Based Strategy to Improve Moral Reasoning (Projects)
The public discourses on Covid-19 during the pandemic years have highlighted the importance of a common understanding of key moral terms such as ‘autonomy’, ‘solidarity, or ‘proportionality’ for a suc
Towards the elimination of cervical cancer: transdisciplinary science for smarter implementation strategies (Projects)
Towards the elimination of cervical cancer in Tanzania: Transdisciplinary science for smarter implementation strategies (TRACCTION) is a mixed methods study using a transdisciplinary approach to explo