Missed opportunities to responding to violence against women and girls in the health sector (Projects)
Violence against women (VAW) remains a critical global issue with significant implications for public health and societal well-being. Effective detection and response by the health sector are essentia
Exposure to Electromagnetic FIelds and Planetary Health (Projects)
The ETAIN ( E xposure T o electrom A gnetic f I elds and pla N etary health) project takes a planetary health perspective to develop and validate approaches to assess the impact of existing and novel
Swiss TPH - PhD Survey (Projects)
Doctoral students make a significant contribution to the scientific project and publication activities of the Swiss TPH. In order to further develop and continuously improve the working conditions for
The Typhoid Vaccine Acceleration Consortium (Projects)
The Typhoid Vaccine Acceleration Consortium (TyVAC), a partnership between the Center for Vaccine Development at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the Oxford Vaccine Group at the Universi
Evaluation of Suicide Prevention Projects (Projects)
In collaboration with HETS-FR (Haute école de travail sociale Fribourg), Swiss TPH has been mandated by Health Promotion Switzerland (Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz, GFCH), to conduct the external evalu
Exclusive breastfeeding: global rates, optimal duration, and a multi-country intervention (Projects)
Human breastmilk is increasingly recognized as critical for immune system development in infancy, and can substantially reduce the incidence of infectious and non-infectious childhood diseases. The Wo
Air Pollution and Effects on Lung Functional Development and Respiratory Morbidity in At-Risk Infants (Projects)
Studies in countries with high levels of air pollution have shown that exposure to certain air pollutants can lead to impaired lung growth and the development of asthma. Even low levels of air polluti
Modelling support to decision-making for malaria control in Benin (Projects)
Benin is a pioneer in the fight against infectious diseases, with an integrated approach to eliminate HIV, tuberculosis and malaria and using digital tools to support the planning and implementation o
Optimization of Antischistosomal Chemotypes (Projects)
The long-term goal of this proposal is to discover a new orally active single-dose antischistosomal drug. The objective of this proposal is to identify one or more antischistosomal drug development ca
Legionella control in buildings (Projects)
Legionella spp. are gram-negative bacteria that are ubiquitously present in the environment. Water and soil are the main natural reservoirs. When bacteria-contaminated aerosols are inhaled, Legionella