Towards a science of rabies elimination (Publications)
Wenwu Yin and co-workers conducted a systematic review on challenges and needs to eliminate rabies in China (Yin et al., 2013 in this journal). Their analysis shows that there is considerable overrepr
Representation of authors and editors from countries with different human development indexes in the leading literature on tropical medicine: survey... (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To assess the current international representation of members of editorial and advisory boards and authors in the leading peer reviewed literature on tropical medicine. DESIGN: Systematic r
Meta-analysis: accuracy of rapid tests for malaria in travelers returning from endemic areas (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Microscopic diagnosis of malaria is unreliable outside specialized centers. Rapid tests have become available in recent years, but their accuracy has not been assessed systematically. PURP
Epidemiology and pathophysiology of obesity as cause of cancer (Publications)
According to World Health Organisation estimates 1.1 billion people were overweight or obese worldwide in the year 2000 with the prevalence rapidly increasing. Compelling evidence suggests that excess