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Struggling for health in the city: an antropological inquiry of vulnerability and resilience in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Publications)
Building research networks and partnerships (Publications)
Altern im städtischen Umfeld Indonesiens (Publications)
Diese Krankheit passt nicht zum Doktor : medizinethnologische Untersuchungen bei den Minahasa (Nord-Sulawesi, Indonesien) (Publications)
Einleitung : Vulnerabilität, Migration und Altern (Publications)
Zugang gewinnen - Rekrutierungsphase als Herausforderung (Publications)
Preface (Publications)
Vulnerabilität, Migration und Altern: Medizinethnologie im Spannungsfeld von Theorie und Praxis (Publications)
Culture, health and poverty in north Sulawesi: looking for an alternative model in health service from a cultural approach (Budaya, Kesehatan dan... (Publications)
Pains, pills, and physicians : self-medication as social agency among elderly people in urban Sulawesi, Indonesia (Publications)