Luftverschmutzung und Gesundheit - Optionen in der klinischen Beratung (Publications)
While air quality is usually an environmental condition patients can little do about, there are a few options and decisions that modify the personal exposure and risk. Location - in particular the res
Enhancing the usefulness of cross dehydrogenative coupling reactions with a removable protecting group (Publications)
A removable protecting group has been identified that allows the products of widely-used cross dehydrogenative couplings to be synthetically elaborated. The method can be used with enantiopure amines
Intergovernmental relations and long term care reforms: lessons from the Italian case (Publications)
The article aims at analysing the reasons why Italy failed to reform Long Term Care (LTC) policies, focusing on an aspect which has been overlooked: the interplay between LTC policies and the intergov
The prevalence and distribution of food sensitization in european adults (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Complaints of 'food allergy' are increasing. Standardized surveys of IgE sensitization to foods are still uncommon and multicountry surveys are rare. We have assessed IgE sensitization to
Beyond malaria: causes of fever in outpatient Tanzanian children (Publications)
BACKGROUND: As the incidence of malaria diminishes, a better understanding of nonmalarial fever is important for effective management of illness in children. In this study, we explored the spectrum of
Acute-phase proteins and mortality in status epilepticus: a 5-year observational cohort study (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: Acute-phase proteins, such as C-reactive protein and albumin, may be related with course and outcome in status epilepticus, as changes of cytokine levels and blood-brain barrier breakdown d
Maurer's clefts, the enigma of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of malaria, completely remodels the infected human erythrocyte to acquire nutrients and to evade the immune system. For this process, the parasite exports mo