The burden of surgical site infections and related antibiotic resistance in two geographic regions of Sierra Leone: a prospective study (Publications)
Despite the prolongation of hospitalization, increase in morbidity, mortality and cost of care associated with both surgical site infections (SSIs) and antibiotic resistance, there are limited data on
Long-term air pollution exposure and Parkinson's disease mortality in a large pooled European cohort: an ELAPSE study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The link between exposure to ambient air pollution and mortality from cardiorespiratory diseases is well established, while evidence on neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's Di
Inhibition of the different complement pathways has varying impacts on the serum bactericidal activity and opsonophagocytosis against <em>Haemophilus... (Publications)
Defense against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is dependent on antibodies and complement, which mediate both serum bactericidal activity (SBA) and opsonophagocytosis. Here we evaluated the influe
The need to address fragmentation and silos in mortality information systems: the case of Ghana and Peru (Publications)
Objectives: We aimed to understand the information architecture and degree of integration of mortality surveillance systems in Ghana and Peru. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study using a com
Effectiveness of a peer educator-coordinated preference-based differentiated service delivery model on viral suppression among young people living... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Southern and Eastern Africa is home to more than 2.1 million young people aged 15 to 24 years living with HIV. As compared with other age groups, this population group has poorer outcomes
Identifying policy gaps in a COVID-19 online tool using the five-factor framework (Publications)
Introduction: Worldwide health systems are being faced with unprecedented COVID-19-related challenges, ranging from the problems of a novel condition and a shortage of personal protective equipment to
Assembling a global database of child pneumonia studies to inform WHO pneumonia management algorithm: methodology and applications (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The existing World Health Organization (WHO) pneumonia case management guidelines rely on clinical symptoms and signs for identifying, classifying, and treating pneumonia in children up to
Comparison of model predictions of typhoid conjugate vaccine public health impact and cost-effectiveness (Publications)
Models are useful to inform policy decisions on typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV) deployment in endemic settings. However, methodological choices can influence model-predicted outcomes. To provide robus
Household-level risk factors for water contamination and antimicrobial resistance in drinking water among households with children under 5 in rural... (Publications)
Household water contamination at point of use depends on human, animal and environmental factors embodying all aspects of a One Health approach. This study investigated the association between househo
Limited efficacy of repeated praziquantel treatment in <em>Schistosoma mansoni</em> infections as revealed by highly accurate diagnostics, PCR and... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Most studies assessing praziquantel (PZQ) efficacy have used relatively insensitive diagnostic methods, thereby overestimating cure rate (CR) and intensity reduction rate (IRR). To determi