Sub-national tailoring of malaria interventions in mainland Tanzania: simulation of the impact of strata-specific intervention combinations using... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: To accelerate progress against malaria in high burden countries, a strategic reorientation of resources at the sub-national level is needed. This paper describes how mathematical modelling
Evaluating malaria prevalence and land cover across varying transmission intensity in Tanzania using a cross-sectional survey of school-aged children (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Transmission of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa has become increasingly stratified following decades of malaria control interventions. The extent to which environmental and land cover risk f
Tenfold difference in DNA recovery rate: systematic comparison of whole blood vs. dried blood spot sample collection for malaria molecular... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Molecular and genomic surveillance is becoming increasingly used to track malaria control and elimination efforts. Blood samples can be collected as whole blood and stored at - 20 degrees
Prevalence, incidence, and reported global distribution of noma: a systematic literature review (Publications)
Noma (cancrum oris) is a severely debilitating orofacial disease. The global annual incidence and prevalence figures of noma are outdated and were not based on epidemiological studies. Therefore, we s
Assessing determinants of programmatic performance of community management of malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea in children in Africa: protocol and... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Integrated community case management (iCCM) is a child health program designed to provide integrated community-based care for children with pneumonia, malaria, or diarrhea in hard-to-reach
Repositioning of a diaminothiazole series confirmed to target the cyclin-dependent kinase CRK12 for use in the treatment of African animal... (Publications)
African animal trypanosomiasis or nagana, caused principally by infection of the protozoan parasites Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma vivax, is a major problem in cattle and other livestocks in
Out of pocket payments and access to NCD medication in two regions in Albania (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: The financial burden from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is a threat worldwide, alleviated only when good social protection schemes are in place. Albeit the Government in Albania has commi
Female genital mutilation/cutting in the Swiss HIV cohort study: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
FGM/C is a harmful practice that involves injury of the external female genitalia without medical purpose. It is mainly practiced in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. However, with the migratory flow