SOPHYA - Swiss children's Objectively measured PHYsical Activity (Projects)
The Swiss Federal Office of Sports states in their actual research concept that the physical activity of children and adolescents in Switzerland has to be measured objectively and that influencing fac
Genomic characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates evolving through immunocompromised patients (Projects)
Mycobacterium tuberculos is (Mtb) is an obligate human pathogen whose growth, replication and transmission have been shaped by two important selective pressures imposed by humans; a potent immune syst
Operational Framework for Integrated Vector Control (Projects)
Aims Our goal is to develop strategies for the integrated management of vectors transmitting malaria and other major vector borne for decision making at the country level. Methods We propose to develo
Development of an Opensource Health Insurance Management Information System (OpenHIMIS) (Projects)
Background There are limited low cost technological solutions available in low income country settings that allow different types of health insurers to professionally operate health insurance schemes.
Implementation of ALMANACH in the ICRC (Projects)
Background The ‘ALMANACH’ (ALgorithms for the MANagement of Acute CHildhood illnesses) is an electronic version of the IMCI (Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses) that is available on smartpho
Support Project for the Health Districts in Chad - Phase II (Projects)
Context The Ministry of Public Health is committed to improving the health status of the Chadian population through the implementation of sectoral policies, including the National Health Policy 2016-2