Health impact studies of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures: a scoping review (Publications)
Climate change affects both mental and physical health. Besides limiting the extent and consequences of climate change, mitigation and adaptation measures can have additional and potentially unintende
Adherence to the management of type i diabetes among Palestinian patients in Nablus city: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the adherence to the management of Type I Diabetes and to investigate factors associated with non-adherence among Palestinian Type 1 Diabetes patients. One
"But at home, with the midwife, you are a person": experiences and impact of a new early postpartum home-based midwifery care model in the view of... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Postpartum home-based midwifery care is covered by basic health insurance in Switzerland for all families with newborns but must be self-organized. To ensure access for all, Familystart, a
Uncovering barriers to engagement in substance use disorder care for Medicaid enrollees (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: The authors aimed to uncover factors that affect engagement in substance use disorder treatment among Medicaid beneficiaries in New York State. METHODS: The authors conducted 40 semistructu
Epidemiology of pediatric schistosomiasis in hard-to-reach areas and populations: a scoping review (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Schistosomiasis affects over 250 million people worldwide. Despite children and the poor being key risk groups, limited research and control activities target pre-school aged children (PSA
Sociocultural and behavioural features of anticipated COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Papua New Guinea: a mixed methods study proposal (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was characterised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a pandemic in 2020. Papua New Guinea (PNG) has remained on high alert ever since its Nationa
Access to vaccination services for priority ruminant livestock diseases in Ghana: barriers and determinants of service utilization by farmers (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: Livestock diseases are a major constraint to agricultural productivity, frequently causing significant livelihood losses for farmers, and negatively affecting public food safety and secu
Evaluation of a community health worker home visit intervention to improve child development in South Africa: a cluster-randomized controlled trial (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Effective integration of home visit interventions focused on early childhood development into existing service platforms is important for expanding access in low- and middle-income countri