Productivity loss and cost of bovine tuberculosis for the dairy livestock sector in Ethiopia (Publications)
Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is endemic in Ethiopia. Although upgraded dairy cattle account for only 1% of the total cattle population, they are the backbone of the marketed milk production in the countr
The phylodynamic and spread of the invasive Asian malaria vectors, <em>Anopheles stephensi</em>, in Sudan (Publications)
Anopheles stephensi is an invasive Asian malaria vector that initially emerged in Africa in 2012 and was reported in Sudan in 2019. We investigated the distribution and population structure of An. ste
Diagnostic performance and comparison of ultrasensitive and conventional rapid diagnostic test, thick blood smear and quantitative PCR for detection... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Progress towards malaria elimination has stagnated, partly because infections persisting at low parasite densities comprise a large reservoir contributing to ongoing malaria transmission a
"<em>In starvation, a bone can also be meat</em>": a mixed methods evaluation of factors associated with discarding of long-lasting insecticidal nets... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Between 2000 and 2019, more than 1.8 billion long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) were distributed in Africa. While the insecticidal durability of LLINs is around 3 years, nets are commo
Cumulative antibiotic exposure in the first five years of life: estimates for 45 low- and middle-income countries from demographic and health survey... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Estimates of the total cumulative exposure to antibiotics of children in low-resource settings, and the source of these treatments, are limited. METHODS: We estimated the average number of
An evidence synthesis approach for combining different data sources illustrated using entomological efficacy of insecticides for indoor residual... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Prospective malaria public health interventions are initially tested for entomological impact using standardised experimental hut trials. In some cases, data are collated as aggregated cou
Financially incentivized knowledge assessments to improve provider compliance with treatment guidelines: a cluster-randomized controlled trial (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Despite increasing access to health care, under-5 mortality remains high in many parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. Interventions to improve quality of care have mostly focused on additional tra
Comparison of weather station and climate reanalysis data for modelling temperature-related mortality (Publications)
Epidemiological analyses of health risks associated with non-optimal temperature are traditionally based on ground observations from weather stations that offer limited spatial and temporal coverage.