Characterization of<em> Leishmania donovani</em> and <em>Leishmania infantum</em> strains for drug discovery using mouse- and iPS cell-derived... (Publications)
“I worried to death, I heard people saying that this operation is to do, or to die”. Perceived patient safety with unplanned Caesarean sections in... (Publications)
Von den funktionellen Einschränkungen zur ArbeitsfähigkeitReflexionen zur Methodik der Einschätzung der Arbeitsfähigkeit im Rahmen der neuen... (Publications)
Development of stage-specific detection assays for <em>P.malariae </em>and <em>P.ovale</em> gametocytes and development of a <em>P.vivax</em> assay... (Publications)
The influence of socioeconomic factors and breeding sites on the coverage and utalization of bed nets and house screening in Bagamoyo and Ulanga... (Publications)