Recherche de *.
The impact of soil transmitted helminth on malaria clinical presentation and treatment outcome: a case control study among children in Bagamoyo... (Publications)
Stage-specific reporter gene expression in<em> Trypanosoma cruzi</em> (Publications)
Gesundsein in der Migration (Publications)
Noise and air pollution from road traffic: understanding their role in blood pressure (Publications)
Low serum vitamin B-12 and folate concentrations and low thiamin and riboflavin intakes are inversely associated with greater adiposity in Mexican... (Publications)
Neue und praxisrelevante Empfehlungen zum Malariaschutz 2003 (Publications)
Änderung der Empfehlungen zum Malariaschutz für Reisende nach Südasien (Indien, Bangla Desh, Nepal) (Publications)
Neue und praxisrelevante Empfehlungen zum Malariaschutz 2002 (Publications)
Immunogenicity of booster vaccination with a virosomal Hepatitis A vaccine after primary immunization with an aluminium-adsorbed Hepatitis A vaccine (Publications)
Protective efficacy of a Transfluthrin-based spatial repellent in combination with long lasting insecticide treated nets insecticide (Publications)