Recherche de *.
Il valore economico dell'ospedalizzazione in funzione del tempo dalla nascita e dalla morte (Publications)
Species diversity and acquisition of gastrointestinal parasites in calves aged 0-13 months in periurban livestock production in Mali (Publications)
Für Mensch und Tier die gleiche Medizin (Publications)
Quelques rues d'une "Afrique ultra moderne" (Publications)
Recherche sur l'espace public africain: des "Brazzavilles noires" à l'urban studio of Abidjan (Publications)
Quelle approche pour quel type de recherche? (Publications)
Le lagunage à laitue d'eau (<em>Pistia stratiotes</em>) à Ouagadougou: une alternative pour l'épuration des eaux destinées à... (Publications)
Urban farming and risk of intestinal helminth infection for vegetable producers in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (Publications)
Migration between Côte d'Ivoire and bordering countries and human African trypanosomiasis (Publications)
Economic impact of urban agriculture on home gardeners in Ouagadougou (Publications)