Reference equations for lung function screening of healthy never-smoking adults aged 18-80 years (Publications)
The need for updated spirometric reference values to be used on European populations is widely acknowledged, especially for subjects aged > 70 yrs. Their reference values are generally based on extrap
Quantitative and qualitative analyses in patients with environmentally related disorders (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Diagnostics and therapy of environmentally related disorders are hampered by one-sided assumptions and by discrepancies between therapists' and patients' assessments of the disease cause.
Air pollution: from lung to heart (Publications)
Epidemiological, clinical, and experimental evidence correlates current levels of ambient air pollution with both respiratory and cardiovascular effects. Oxidative stress, inflammation, induction of a
Measurement setup and protocol for characterizing and testing radio frequency personal exposure meters (Publications)
Body-worn radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) personal exposure meters (PEMs) have been increasingly used for exposure assessment in epidemiological research. However, little research on the
Air pollution during pregnancy and lung function in newborns: a birth cohort study (Publications)
Post-natal exposure to air pollution is associated with diminished lung growth during school age. The current authors aimed to determine whether pre-natal exposure to air pollution is associated with
Luftverschmutzung: Konsequenzen für den Hausarzt (Publications)
Air pollution can also be considered a health risk for those living in Switzerland. During short episodes of high pollution (smog), protection from exposure can be recommended. The continuous air poll
Investigating air pollution and atherosclerosis in humans: concepts and outlook (Publications)
Although ambient particulate matter contributes to atherosclerosis in animal models, its role in atherogenesis in humans needs to be established. This article discusses concepts, study design, and cho
Breathless in Los Angeles: the exhausting search for clean air (Publications)
Population growth and the proliferation of roadways in Southern California have facilitated a glut of mobile air pollution sources (cars and trucks), resulting in substantial atmospheric pollution. De