Use of recombinant virus replicon particles for vaccination against <em>Mycobacterium ulcerans</em> disease (Publications)
Buruli ulcer, caused by infection with Mycobacterium ulcerans, is a necrotizing disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which is most prevalent in rural regions of West African countries. The maj
Applications and limitations of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention miniature light traps for measuring biting densities of African malaria... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Measurement of densities of host-seeking malaria vectors is important for estimating levels of disease transmission, for appropriately allocating interventions, and for quantifying their i
Direct sequencing of Legionella pneumophila from respiratory samples for sequence-based typing analysis (Publications)
We have developed a procedure to test the efficiency and reliability of sequencing of Legionella pneumophila genes directly from respiratory samples and have compared the results with those derived fr
Biomarkers of host response predict primary end-point radiological pneumonia in Tanzanian children with clinical pneumonia: a prospective cohort study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Diagnosing pediatric pneumonia is challenging in low-resource settings. The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined primary end-point radiological pneumonia for use in epidemiological
Bayesian geostatistical model-based estimates of soil-transmitted helminth infection in Nigeria, including annual deworming requirements (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The acceleration of the control of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections in Nigeria, emphasizing preventive chemotherapy, has become imperative in light of the global fight against ne
Feasibility and acceptability of injectable artesunate for the treatment of severe malaria in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) changed its national policy for the treatment of severe malaria in both children and adults in 2012 from intravenous quinine to injectable artesu
Do instructional videos on sputum submission result in increased tuberculosis case detection? A randomized controlled trial (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: We examined the effect of an instructional video about the production of diagnostic sputum on case detection of tuberculosis (TB), and evaluated the acceptance of the video. TRIAL DESIGN: R
Financial and economic costs of the elimination and eradication of onchocerciasis (river blindness) in Africa (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Onchocerciasis (river blindness) is a parasitic disease transmitted by blackflies. Symptoms include severe itching, skin lesions, and vision impairment including blindness. More than 99% o
Functional analysis and transcriptional output of the Göttingen minipig genome (Publications)
BACKGROUND: In the past decade the Göttingen minipig has gained increasing recognition as animal model in pharmaceutical and safety research because it recapitulates many aspects of human physiology a