Convergent methods assessing bone growth in an experimental model at dental implants in the minipig (Publications)
Implant dentistry demonstrated its reliability in treating successfully an increased amount of patients with dental implants exhibiting hydrophilic (modSLA) or non-hydrophilic (SLA) surfaces. Objectiv
Epigenetic memory takes center stage in the survival strategy of malaria parasites (Publications)
Malaria parasites run through a complex life cycle in the vertebrate host and mosquito vector. This not only requires tightly controlled mechanisms to govern stage-specific gene expression but also ne
Adhärenz-Raten bei Interventionsprogrammen zur Bewegungsförderung älterer Menschen: ein systematischer Literaturüberblick (Publications)
BACKGROUND: In order to introduce elderly people to be physically active, it is necessary to evaluate which types of exercise show a high adherence. Therefore, the objective of this systematic literat
HIV in the Middle East and North Africa: priority, culture, and control (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess the priority of HIV/AIDS in the Middle East and North Africa region and compare it with other regions. This review examines the social, cultural and religious fe