Development of a hookworm egg hatching assay to determine the ovicidal effects of anthelminthics (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Few anthelminthics are currently available, manifesting the urgent need for new treatment options. In vitro profiling of current anthelminthics against larval and adult stage helminths dis
Adoption of mHealth technologies by community health workers to improve the use of maternal health services in sub-Saharan Africa: protocol for a... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Studies have shown that mobile health technologies (mHealth) enhance the use of maternal health services. However, there is limited evidence of the impact of mHealth use by community healt
Promising practices for dealing with complexity in research for development (Publications)
The need to deal with complexity is getting increasingly attention in research for development projects implemented through transboundary research partnerships between organisations from the Global No
Malaria, climate variability, and interventions: modelling transmission dynamics (Publications)
Assessment of the relative impact of climate change on malaria dynamics is a complex problem. Climate is a well-known factor that plays a crucial role in driving malaria outbreaks in epidemic transmis
Shifting from an inpatient to outpatient centered model through transforming the TB financing in ex-Soviet countries (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: In former Soviet Union countries, tuberculosis (TB) financing largely relies on a hospital-centered model. The World Health Organization favors transformation to ambulatory treatment sin
Antiprotozoal activity of natural products from Nigerien plants used in folk medicine (Publications)
In the course of the screening of plants from Niger for antiprotozoal activity, the methanol extract of Cassia sieberiana, and the dichloromethane extracts of Ziziphus mauritiana and Sesamun alatum we