Rabies postexposure prophylaxis in routine practice in view of the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization... (Publications)
BackgroundNew recommendations for rabies PEP were published by the CDC and the WHO in 2010.We investigated the adequacy of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) of patients consulting our travel clin
First case of ivermectin-induced severe hepatitis (Publications)
Loiasis, caused by the filarial parasite Loa loa, is endemic in West and Central Africa. Ivermectin has been shown to be an effective treatment of loiasis. We report the case of a 20-year-old woman or
Self-reported TV and computer time do not represent accelerometer-derived total sedentary time in 10 to 12-year-olds (Publications)
Screen-time activities are often used as proxies for sedentary time. We studied associations of self-reported television (TV), computer and total screen-time with accelerometer-derived total sedentary
Short-term effects of air pollution on total and cardiovascular mortality: the confounding effect of influenza epidemics (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Air pollution is associated with total mortality. This association may be confounded by uncontrolled time-varying risk factors such as influenza epidemics. METHODS: We analyzed independent
Important helminth infections in Southeast Asia diversity, potential for control and prospects for elimination (Publications)
Besides the 'big three'-HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis-there are a host of diseases that, by comparison, are truly neglected. These so-called neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), many of which caus
Source of funding in experimental studies of mobile phone use on health: update of systematic review (Publications)
A previous review showed that among 59 studies published in 1995-2005, industry-funded studies were least likely to report effects of controlled exposure to mobile phone radiation on health-related ou
Lagunamide C, a cytotoxic cyclodepsipeptide from the marine cyanobacterium <em>Lyngbya majuscula</em> (Publications)
Lagunamide C (1) is a cytotoxic cyclodepsipeptide isolated from the marine cyanobacterium, Lyngbya majuscula, from the western lagoon of Pulau Hantu Besar, Singapore. The complete structural character