Proximity to overhead power lines and childhood leukaemia: an international pooled analysis (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Although studies have consistently found an association between childhood leukaemia risk and magnetic fields, the associations between childhood leukaemia and distance to overhead power li
List randomization for eliciting HIV status and sexual behaviors in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a randomized experiment using known true values... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: List randomization (LR), a survey method intended to mitigate biases related to sensitive true/false questions, has received recent attention from researchers. However, tests of its validi
Causes of acute undifferentiated fever and the utility of biomarkers in Chiangrai, northern Thailand (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Tropical infectious diseases like dengue, scrub typhus, murine typhus, leptospirosis, and enteric fever continue to contribute substantially to the febrile disease burden throughout Southe
Navigating fertility, reproduction and modern contraception in the fragile context of South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo: 'Les enfants sont une... (Publications)
Modern contraception has created new possibilities for reimagining reproductive norms and has generated new socio-cultural uncertainties in South Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Using ind
Novel genes and insights in complete asthma remission: a genome-wide association study on clinical and complete asthma remission (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease without a cure, though there exists spontaneous remission. Genome wide association(GWA) studies have pinpointed genes associated with asthma develop
No HIV transmission from virally suppressed mothers during breastfeeding in rural Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: To what extent antiretroviral therapy (ART) reduces mother-to-child HIV transmission (MTCT) during breastfeeding remains unclear. We assessed the MTCT risk from mothers on ART to their inf
Malaria control across borders: quasi-experimental evidence from the Trans-Kunene malaria initiative (TKMI) (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The transmission of malaria through population inflows from highly endemic areas with limited control efforts poses major challenges for national malaria control programmes. Several multil
How can Onchocerciasis elimination in Africa be accelerated? Modeling the impact of increased ivermectin treatment frequency and complementary vector... (Publications)
Background: Great strides have been made toward onchocerciasis elimination by mass drug administration (MDA) of ivermectin. Focusing on MDA-eligible areas, we investigated where the elimination goal c
Whole blood transcriptome changes following controlled human malaria infection in malaria pre-exposed volunteers correlate with parasite prepatent... (Publications)
Malaria continues to be one of mankind's most devastating diseases despite the many and varied efforts to combat it. Indispensable for malaria elimination and eventual eradication is the development o