World Rabies Day: Early diagnosis and prompt treatment save lives (Page)
Dogs are victims of rabies too How did Charlie, once a friendly family pet, turn into a rabid dog that bit three family members? Charlie was a happy dog, and the children especially loved him. When th
A Full Focus on Continuing Education: Portrait of a Career Changer (Page)
Pierina Maibach pursued the MBA in International Health Management (MBA-IHM) full-time before taking up her post, and the last two modules on a part-time basis. All that is missing now is the master's
Antimicrobial resistance: the silent pandemic (Page)
Hi Esther, thanks for joining us! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself? I am an infectious disease specialist and the ad interim Head of the Travel Clinic at Swiss TPH, where I work with patien
Using innovative new tools to advance progress in NTDs (Page)
Innovation has enabled unprecedented progress in the fight against neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). There has also been a fundamental shift from the traditional approach of treating individual pati
The power of people (Page)
Women's History Month is the month in which societies take a moment to recognize and amplify women in all their diversity. March also serves as a reminder of the remaining gaps in gender inequality th
World Refugee Day: together we heal, learn and shine (Page)
The world is witnessing the highest levels of displacement on record. As of 2018, over 70 million people around the world have been forced to leave their homes due to conflict and persecution. Include
Can Switzerland Beat COVID-19? (Page)
During the COVID-10 crisis, Switzerland did a lot right – but not everything. When the first patient succumbed to SARS-CoV-2 just over a year ago, the virus was still largely unknown. Transmission dyn
There is no excuse for the world to still have malaria (Page)
In the second season of the Medicus Mundi Switzerland (MMS) podcast "Health for All", Carine Weiss talks to Professor Christian Lengeler about his passion for malaria research and how the current pand
Impact Stories | Swiss TPH (Page)
14.12.2022 Irène Dietschi for UNI NOVA "Many zoonoses are being forgotten in the wake of corona." Since the end of the 20th century, a growing number of pathogens are spreading from animals to humans.
Tag der sauberen Luft: Verbesserung der Luftqualität zum Schutz der Gesundheit (Blog)
Anlässlich des Internationalen Tags der sauberen Luft sprachen wir mit Ron Kappeler, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Swiss TPH, über die Luftdokumentationsstelle LUDOK und den Einfluss von Luftversc