Recherche de *.
Explanatory models in psychiatry (Publications)
Mental Health (Publications)
Onchocerciasis (river blindness) in Africa: alternative strategies, treatment needs and costs (Publications)
Servizi per la non autosufficienza: un quadro regionale frammentato (Publications)
Il valore economico dell'ospedalizzazione in funzione del tempo dalla nascita e dalla morte (Publications)
Species diversity and acquisition of gastrointestinal parasites in calves aged 0-13 months in periurban livestock production in Mali (Publications)
Für Mensch und Tier die gleiche Medizin (Publications)
Quelques rues d'une "Afrique ultra moderne" (Publications)
Recherche sur l'espace public africain: des "Brazzavilles noires" à l'urban studio of Abidjan (Publications)
Quelle approche pour quel type de recherche? (Publications)