Recherche de *.
Rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in returning travellers (Publications)
Malaria 02: la recherche por une exposition mondiale (Publications)
Vaccination chez les migrants (Publications)
Medicina geografica per il medico di medicina generale (Publications)
Incidence and types of illness when traveling to the tropics: a prospective controlled study of children and their parents (Publications)
Des constats à l'action : notre conception du "projet" et notre démarche de travail en ville (Publications)
Financial resources and their use in the governmental health care sector in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: where has all the money gone... (Publications)
Can conditional cash transfers contribute to health systems strengthening? (Publications)
Discussion en groupe focal (entretien en groupe) (Publications)
Health care provision for migrants in the African context: if nobody really cares (Publications)