Arthropod Testing Facility | Swiss TPH (Page)
Arthropod Testing Facility Swiss TPH has long-standing expertise in evaluating vector control tools for public health. We test the efficacy of repellents, insecticides and active ingredients with new
Bioactives (Page)
Bioactives Drug discovery for tropical diseases is one of the research priorities of Swiss TPH. We have developed a wide range of in vitro assays and in vivo models to identify novel chemical hits and
Personalised and Digital Health | Swiss TPH (Page)
Personalised and Digital Health We define markers for disease control and surveillance and conduct research using cohorts and biobanks through longitudinal characterisation of participants. Systems ep
Environment and Health | Swiss TPH (Page)
Environment and Health We improve people's health and well-being by addressing health determinants in human-environment systems. Swiss TPH is committed to the sustainable prevention, surveillance and
Infection Biology and Molecular Epidemiology | Swiss TPH (Page)
Infection Biology and Molecular Epidemiology We generate new insight into the biology and molecular epidemiology of poverty-related infectious diseases. In the field of the life sciences, Swiss TPH pl
Society and Civic Engagement | Swiss TPH (Page)
Society and Civic Engagement We strive for social justice in health and engage with people in the process. Swiss TPH promotes social justice and equity in health by providing leadership and excellence
Diagnostics, Vector Control, Vaccines and New Drugs | Swiss TPH (Page)
Diagnostics, Vector Control, Vaccines and New Drugs We develop, validate and apply drugs, diagnostics, vaccines, vector control measures and computational tools to improve global health. At Swiss TPH,
Mobility, Migration and Outbreak Investigation | Swiss TPH (Page)
Mobility, Migration and Outbreak Investigation We assess the health needs of mobile populations, internally displaced persons and international refugees, and maintain an institutional expert group for