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New trends in partnership research in Africa (Publications)
Ein Grippeverlauf ist nicht vorhersehbar (Publications)
Menschenwürde statt Ausschaffung (Publications)
Denken Sie daran, wie lang Entwicklung in Europa gedauert hat: Entwicklungsexperten sprechen über "Symptome einer schwierigen Partnerschaft" (Publications)
Towards an integrated development research approach (Publications)
"One Health"': points of leverage of closer cooperation of human and animal health (Publications)
Enhancing joint delivery of human and animal health services in remote areas (Publications)
Zoonoses in nomadic pastoralists in Chad, a new project linking human and animal health (Publications)
Interdisciplinary research on environmental sanitation and health: conceptual framework develoment and field test (Publications)
Tapping local resources for HIV prevention among the Borana pastoral community (Publications)