Fit genotypes and escape variants of subgroup III <em>Neisseria meningitidis</em> during three pandemics of epidemic meningitis (Publications)
The genetic variability at six polymorphic loci was examined within a global collection of 502 isolates of subgroup III, serogroup A Neisseria meningitidis. Nine "genoclouds" were identified, consisti
The public health significance and control of schistosomiasis in China - then and now (Publications)
The description of schistosomiasis in China dates back more than two millennia. The disease caused social and economic hardship, and the rates of morbidity and mortality were high. In the mid 1950s, w
Phosphatidic acid is a pH biosensor that links membrane biogenesis to metabolism (Publications)
Recognition of lipids by proteins is important for their targeting and activation in many signaling pathways, but the mechanisms that regulate such interactions are largely unknown. Here, we found tha
Vector-borne diseases in humans and animals: activities of the Swiss Tropical Institut and risks for Switzerland (Publications)
The recent outbreak of anaplasmosis in a Swiss cattle herd triggered a discussion of the risk of vector-borne diseases in animals and humans in relation to climate changes and other factors. This over
3,5-Diaryl-2-aminopyridines as a novel class of orally active antimalarials demonstrating single dose cure in mice and clinical candidate potential (Publications)
A novel class of orally active antimalarial 3,5-diaryl-2-aminopyridines has been identified from phenotypic whole cell high-throughput screening of a commercially available SoftFocus kinase library. T
Geschlechtsunterschiede in Gesundheit und Gesundheitsverhalten (Publications)
The higher life expectancy of women is contrasting with the higher female morbidity known from health interview surveys and statistics on use of health services. In the Swiss Health Survey SOMIPOPS, w
Cynaropicrin: the first plant natural product with <em>in vivo</em> activity against <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> (Publications)
A screen of 1800 plant and fungal extracts with subsequent HPLC-based activity profiling was done to identify new antiprotozoal leads from nature. This led to the identification of cynaropicrin (1) fr
Transmission dynamics and economics of rabies control in dogs and humans in an African city (Publications)
Human rabies in developing countries can be prevented through interventions directed at dogs. Potential cost-savings for the public health sector of interventions aimed at animal-host reservoirs shoul